Recent projects include-
(skip straight to the website for "Bho Bheul An Eòin/From The Birds Mouth")
“Ruairidh agus Ruairidh Eile” collaborative project and exhibitions with poet and writer in residence at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Rody Gorman, Skye 2010 and Stanza poetry festival St Andrews 2012 (Including Festival and Brochure designs).
"Backwater Republic". A collaborative project with writers and artists supported by Dundee Contemporary Arts. 2012. Project online leaflet details - click here and own contribution details - click here.
"Lifelines" An installation project specially commissioned by the Cupar Arts Festival October 2013. "Lifelines" 2013-15. A collaborative installation and travelling exhibition centred on Derek's work and incorporating input from other artists, film-makers and musicians, including the nationally acclaimed singer, Sheena Wellington. Details click here.
"Memory of Tides". Year of Natural Scotland Artist Residency 2013. A major project as artist in residence for Scottish Natural Heritage at the Tentsmuir National Nature Reserve commissioned to celebrate Year of Natural Scotland. A summary of the project and the book project - here-
"Between Tides". 2013-15. Art-Science collaborative project directed and produced by Derek and involving Scientists from Aberdeen, Dundee and St Andrews Universities and artistic responses by artists, writers, poets, dancers and film-makers. A travelling exhibition and resulting performance event commissioned for Edinburgh Storytelling Centre for the International Storytelling Centre collaborating with storyteller Lea Taylor and award-winning singer-musician Mairi Campbell.
"A Compass for Terns" 2016 A collaborative project with photographer David Woodfall and collaborations with musicians and creative practitioners in the Outer Hebrides, North Wales and Ghana.
"Migrations" 2017- 21 A major project layering the stories of migrants and refugees with the imagery of migrating birds. Derek is travelling through refugee centres and migration routes in Sicily, France, Cyprus and Jordan where he is sketching and painting in the field, interviewing and taking part in art projects with some of the displaced people he meets.
"Testaments of Loss" 2020 - 21 Drawing on decades of field notes and research, Derek is compiling a collection of paintings documenting his own observations and responses to loss of environment and biodiversity. Dealing with the small-scale losses of wildlife and wild places, the collection cumulatively narrates the larger, global issues of environmental loss and trophic cascade through an exploration of environmental grief. The project incorporates a collaborative exploration with other creative practitioners.
"Bho Bheul An Eòin/From The Birds Mouth" 2021 - An exciting project, supported by NatureScot and Bord na Gàidhlig which names the new species of animals and plants that now have a place in Scotland by giving them Scots Gaelic names. The project draws on the expertise of an advisory panel of scientists, researchers and curators and linguists, The projects is a book, a website (see here), a series of exhibitions and more.